
Nationwide Horse Trailer Delivery

We sell horse trailers throughout the United States and around the world. We offer trailer delivery through a professional, licensed and insured transport company. If you need to have a trailer delivered outside the continental US, we will work with the overseas transport provider of your choice.

Trailer deliveries are arranged around your schedule. Our staff and your delivery driver will be in contact with you to ensure prompt delivery and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Here are some usual questions about our shipping or export services:

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs will vary depending on the destination and the shipping method selected at the time of order.
- "Budget" $0.20 per mile (can take up to max 25 days).
- "Normal" $0.70 per mile (can take up to max 15 days)
- "Express" $1.50 per mile (can take up to max 5 days)
Shipping rates will be calculated based on your location.

How long does it take for my order to process before shipment?

This all depends, of course, on how long it takes you to review and approve the sale. Here's a quick breakdown of our typical turnaround times:
Sale Contract Sent - 24 - 72 hours (or 1-2 business days)*
Sale Contract Review Process - depends on you
Sale Contract Edits (if necessary) - 24 hours (or 1 business days)*
Invoice Payment Requests - 24 hours (or 1 business days)*
Payment - depends on you
*Please note that these timeframes are approximations and do not take into account unforeseen circumstances.

Can you ship to Canada?

If you are importing from the USA, we offer a complete customs clearance package and freight forwarding service to meet your specific needs. Once you've purchased your vehicle, we can handle the entire process from picking up the vehicle, transporting to the border, customs clearance, and final delivery to your door.
If you decide to pick up the vehicle and drive it yourself, we can assist you with the customs clearance at the border.
Provincial sales tax may be payable at the time of vehicle registration in Canada depending on your province requirements.
We help people import goods from the USA into Canada. Border clearance is done ahead of time, electronically. Our fees are based on the value of the cargo, and generally range from $25 to $250 (US dollars.) Our turnaround time is generally 48-72 hours, but in some cases we can do the same day.
We can handle import paperwork and pay fees and taxes for you so you don't have to be present to do it yourself.
If you are importing and don't use a broker, you will have to be physically present at the border with your towed cargo, and take care of import paperwork and payments yourself.

Please read our FAQ section or contact us for more information.